Membership Categories

  1. Ordinary Members: an individual who is 21 years old or more possessing at least a diploma qualification in facilities management or related fields and working in these sectors. Ordinary Members are allowed to vote and be elected as a Committee Member. The admission fee is RM 100.00 and annual fee is RM 50.00.
  2. Corporate Members: an organisation involved in the Facilities Management or related industries. Interested organisations are allowed to nominate two of its employees to represent them in MAFM as members. These two employees representing the Corporate Members are allowed to vote and be elected as a Committee Member. The admission fee is RM 500.00 and annual fees is RM 250.00. With effect from 1 Jan 2025, the corporate membership will have three sub-categories as follows:


2.1 Body Corporate (Facilities Management)

Companies that has Facilities Management as its core business. The two employees nominated to represent them will have the same rights and benefits of an ordinary member.

2.2 Body Corporate (Training and Academic Institutions)

Institutions or organisations that has training and academic as its core business and offering course in Facilities Management or related subject matters for its student. The two employees nominated to represent them will have the same rights and benefits of an ordinary member.

2.3 Body Corporate (Trade and Support Services)

Suppliers of goods and services that are required by Facilities Management companies. The two employees nominated to represent them will have the same rights and benefits of an associate member.


  1. Associate Members: an individual who is 21 years old or more who does not meet the criteria to be an ordinary member but contributes indirectly to the FM industry. Application from foreigners who have resided in Malaysia will be considered under this category. Associate Members are not allowed to vote or be elected as a Committee Member. The admission fee is RM 100.00 and annual fee is RM 50.00.
  1. Student Members: A student who is not lower than 18 years and  is pursuing a Facilities Management or related course at an institution of higher learning. Student Members are not allowed to vote or be elected as a Committee Member. The admission fee is RM 30.00 and annual fee is RM 20.00.
  1. Fellow and Honorary Fellow: An individual who have contributed immensely to the FM industry can be nominated by a MAFM Committee Member can be nominated to be a Fellow or a Honorary Fellow. Subject to adherence to the Committee’s guidelines, a nomination can be approved. Fellow Members are allowed to vote and be elected as a Committee Member. Honorary Members are not allowed to vote or be elected as a Committee Member. A fellow is required to pay the admission fee of RM 100.00 and annual fee of RM 50.00. Meanwhile, the admission and annual fee is waived for the honorary fellow.


Other terms and conditions as stipulated in the MAFM’s Constitution and the online membership application forms apply.