FM Certification Courses
Certificate Courses Offered
URL for further information

- Certified Facilities Management Executive
- Certified Facilities Management Manager
The role of the facility contractor is both important as it is challenging. To be globally competitive, there is an ever-present need for a contractor’s continuous development, acquisition of more sophisticated skills, and wider knowledge of more effective work procedures in tandem with technological and socio-economic evolution.
In the capabilities development of CIDB registered Facility Contractors, the competency levels of the company director/s and technical officer/s has to be first evaluated and accreditated according to competency standards developed by the Board, through the Facility Management Manager and Facility Management Executive Accreditation Program. The Board had stipulated that only companies with director/s and technical officer/s that has been evaluated and accredited shall be considered for registration as Facility Contractor with F01 and F02 Specialisations. However, accreditation is not restricted to construction personnel involved in construction or those employed by a contractor, it is open to every other eligible construction personnel meeting accreditation terms set by the Board.
For purposes of registration as Facility Contractor with F01 and F02 Specialisation with the Board, it is highly desired and encouraged that all company directors and technical officers together with other construction personnel directly involved in facility management activities apply for accreditation by the Board.