New Membership Application

Please decide on the Membership Category that you would like to apply. Clicking your choice of Membership Category in the list below will take you to a Google Form. Please complete the form with the necessary particulars and attach the necessary documents required. We will contact you if we find that your application is incomplete. Fully completed applications will be processed and submitted to be vetted and approved by MAFM’s Membership Committee. We will contact all approved applicants via email with the payment instructions. We will issue the official receipt and the membership certificate once the payment has been received. We will also contact applicants who are rejected or the Membership Committee is of the view that the applicant should apply under a different category.

Here are the application forms:-

  1. Ordinary Membership
  2. Associate Membership
  3. Student Membership
  4. Corporate Membership

Annual Membership Renewal

Please complete the necessary form. Make the payment and attach the proof of payment when submitting the form. We will issue the official receipt and the membership certificate.

Here are the application forms:-

  1. Ordinary Membership
  2. Associate Membership
  3. Student Membership
  4. Corporate Membership